Dream. Think. Learn. Explore.
Teach. Collaborate. Innovate.
Advocate. Code. Build. Hack.

Volunteer Sponsor

March 6-7, 2021
An Online event
Washington State University
Everywhere, Anywhere



What is CrimsonCode?

CrimsonCode is a 24-hour collegiate hackathon traditionally held at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. Due to the ongoing pandemic, we are going online for the first time.

Who can attend?

We encourage students of all majors and all levels of coding experience to attend. We will have mentors available to help you learn new technologies and give guidance on projects.

How much does this cost?

CrimsonCode is completely free as we believe that it is more important for students to focus on their projects. We will provide as much online resources and help as possible to ensure your online experience is a good one.

What should I Bring Virtually?

Most importantly, bring your excitement and passion. We also ask for some patience as this is our first online event ever! Besides that, we highly suggest those not familiar with collaboration through GitHub to practice before hand. GitHub provides handy documentation and there are plenty of tutorials online you can walk through with your team before the event. While you are at it, you should create an account on Devpost.

How big are the teams?

A team can be made up of a maximum of 4 people. We encourage working with majors you wouldn't typically work with, or even new people you havent met!

What if I don't have a team?

We will be utilizing Devpost as well as Discord during this hackathon for all things teams and projects. On Devpost, you can flag your self as looking for team and show what tools are able to use. If that doesn't end up working, DM an organizer when in our Discord and we will try our best to get you into a team.

What is this theme thing we've been hearing about?

In our feedback from previous hackathons, it's been noted that many do not where to go for project inspiration when you can work on anything and everything. We hear you. So this year we are going to build apps around the theme of connection! During this pandemic, we all have turned to online platforms to connect with friends, family and eachother. This year, we want you to think of ways to connect people together virtually. We will provide examples for what we are expecting from both new students just starting their development journey, as well as seasoned devs.

Can I work on my project beforehand?

No. We encourage everyone to start a brand new project at the hackathon. However, you are allowed to develop libraries or use outside libraries to help you with your project. If you think you might be in sketchy territory, contact or find an organizer to have us check it out.



Saturday, Mar. 6

8:00 AM

Hacker Check In

Discord Link Sent Out

9:30 AM

Opening Ceremony

Check Discord for Zoom link

10:00 AM

Hacking Starts

Online, Everywhere

12:00 PM

Lunch Break

Hangout on our Discord!


Tech Talk Series Starts

Check Discord for Zoom links

7:00 PM

Dinner Break

Hangout on our Discord!

8:00 PM

De-stress Event

Check Discord for links

Sunday, Mar. 7

12:00 AM

Late Night Game

Check discord for links

12:45 AM

Night Owl Break

Hangout on Discord!

8:00 AM

Submission Q&A


10:00 AM

Hacking Stops

Presentations Due!

Submission due at 10AM Sharp on Devpost

10:01 AM

Project Demos/Judging

Look on discord for details

11:30 AM

Closing Ceremony

Check discord for Zoom link


The Team

The leaders and organizers of the CrimsonCode hackathon are a group of hard working people that help to make this event possible. All of the leaders and organizers are full-time students at Washington State University who have volunteered to dedicate their valuable time to the planning and execution of the CrimsonCode hackathon.

Association for Computing Machinery WSU Chapter

President: Roberto Martinez

Vice President: Timmy Huynh

Secretary: Hailey Le

Treasruer: Helen Hoang

With gracious day of support provided by:

Girls Who Code College Loops WSU Chapter